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Amazon Rating

Echo Sub Bundle with Echo (2nd Gen) - Charcoal Fabric

We have analyzed 243 reviews and found:

28% of users say that: Product worked, works well, works great, works. Sound is great, is amazing, is not bad, will improve more. Bass can be so intense, is overwhelming.9, is great, is plenty. Setup was mostly easy, was very easy, was beyond easy, was simple. 3% of users noticed that: Sub is not working, was dead, will take a couple of seconds, will take about a second to cut off. Subwoofer is paired to form a speaker set, is not pre-loaded. Set up is terrible, was not difficult, worked, was very 'buggy. Volume was so low, was at 5, is not quite as good.

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Below you'll find product features often mentioned in user reviews. Features are split up by positive and negative sentiments.

317 162
love • great • sounds great • worked • works well • sounded great • works great • works • like • was easy to pair • sounds perfect • will return • awesome • sounds better • was a good purchase • was so easy to set up in 5 minutes • was a good addition to an echo plus • needs addressing • up with two different echoes • enough
74 13
great • is great • good • is amazing • quality • improves • is not bad • will improve more • very nice • is nice • awesome • terrific • deep • is worth the change • very good • good overall • are incredible • is with this device • echo's • lot better
47 14
great • decent • clear • deep • loud • hope everything was wired correctly • plenty • more • can be so intense • overwhelming for balanced music • is overwhelming.9 • awesome • lot • fills the whole room • impressive • sounds great • acceptable • is great • adds some • is plenty
24 19
easy • was mostly easy • needed to follow the proper sequence to function correctly • was very easy • was beyond easy • super simple • super happy • ease • was simple • went well • did not have any issues • was quick • correctly multiple times • good • really puts out the bass you want • was easy • was very very easy • was ready • is straightforward • was unbelievably easy
21 14
echo • needed an update • had completed the update • needed to be updated in the app • go back to available • showed online” • are produced to provide a service • pleasure • not frustration • works well • are different • keep number of alexa • gets connected to echo • pay attention to instructions • in almost every room • high hope • compatible echo • sounds slightly better
26 7
good job • is developing the alexa whisper system • would have to develop the ability to allow you to make a bluetooth connection • let this ship in this state • was very clear • expand its use • gets it right • will retro upgrade the functionality • looks at the sub as a second device • wish • needs to provide customization settings • fast • is working on issues • is viewing the paired subwoofer • addresses issues quickly • deems worthy • transparent • bravo • needs to allow previous versions of dot connect to the sub • could sell two more
19 7
i previously purchased • 2nd gen • looks great • was easy to connect to my echo • are paired you don’t need to say the group • will be returning • is done with your voice • are paired • really expecting • rechargeable • left • separated right • nice • sounds great • sub at least 38 cm • echo • got mine paired • were very simple • small
13 6
updated • was more stable • for the ease • were paired and ready to go • adept • well • re-paired • needs a manual • took a while to allow me to pair devices • for help • “group” of speakers in one room • update your alexa • you can adjust the bass
echo sub
12 6
has great potential to improve the echo sound • pleasantly surprised • plays right along • thumbs up • is optimized for echo • is paired to • is great • happy overall • set very well • sounds great • does add a bit more depth to your music • was immediately wow’d
13 3
lot • enjoy • unlimited • heavy • no glitches • is rich • played • bump • able to listen • plenty loud • multi-room • could play • fills my whole downstairs
sound quality
12 3
difference • is great • is simply amazing • makes it quite listenable • many factors come into play such as the room • super impressive • decent • so • is decent • equal • is very good • big change
9 6
blends beautifully • just followed the prompts and done • perfect • was easy • sounded awesome • clear • corrected • has to be turned up to volume 6+ • start giving the red circle
7 6
isn't there yet • dot updated • very* nice • is being updated at a staggering pace • is something to be desired • really need • can’t use my device
customer service
8 1
was kind • helpful • gave up • excellent • confirmed my suspicions • confirmed it • great • helped tremendously
consistent • will update • came up • better • in real time • original • enough • no
5 2
started from fresh • fully implemented them • decent guess • were to create a new multiroom music group • were minimal
5 2
worth • many complications • comes down to $50 • is fair • good
4 1
great • resonate • i typically live in • very nice
5 1
works • get quite loud • was up and running in minutes • good • keeping
4 2
substantial reason • finer • worked for the group • were more
3 2
need new • is working good • is compatible to the necessary updated
3 2
echo • will try those next • connected to the echo sub
stereo sound
4 1
gives true • 1,000 • pristine • true
4 1
would boost my experience • has improved • successfull • intuitive the echoes
vast • big • not sufficient • significant • huge
music sound
4 1
produced was amazing • fully enjoyed • was very good • delightful
4 1
do not remedy the above issues • just a day • you must download • will start automatically
amazon music
able to stream • all cloud base • only works • means
16 23
did not function • wouldn't connect to echo • stops • does not sound • is not working • not all 3 would work • does not pair well • may require break-in time • was dead • does nothing • lags the show • will take a couple of seconds • will take about a second to cut off • doesn’t work • kept shutting itself off • will be of no use • only appears to work with cloud streamed music • can't control • does not have as illustrated in screen capture • is causing issues
13 14
would not • not all three together • cleared up • even plays • could not sync • continues to work when giving alexa commands • causes a delay • horrible • echo nor • thumping • is paired to form a speaker set • does not play when you listen to pandora • is not pre-loaded • would not play while listening to pandora
set up
2 10
is terrible • was not difficult • very annoying • worked • very buggy • pain • was very 'buggy • took maybe 10 minutes • was a bit tricky • quite tricky
4 5
was so low • down • sometimes go up or down unexpectedly • was at 5 • is not quite as good
1 4
sometimes disconnects • not in a whole home everywhere • seemed to fix it • cannot add to
echo device
1 4
nothing else • must be identical to do stereo • must be paired at the same time • will produce a temp unsecure network ex
2 3
ill reconsider ordering • sounds worse • link through some trickery
error • issues • is extremely limited • issue
setup process
2 2
could not continue • went off the rails
1 3
didn't exist • seems to work • pressed action
2 2
started misunderstanding me • goes nuts once in a while
will be solved with firmware updates • need to be remedied first • corrected • is not developing